I recommend Healing Through Love with host Sharlene Lynch for 2 reasons.

1st, because Sharlene recognizes the reality of domestic and family violence. I once had a conversation with a writer about violence. The writer insisted that domestic violence could only be adult male violence against adult females. The generational violence in my family that I know about started with my maternal grandmother’s violence against my grandfather. My mother tried to kill me twice, and she emotionally abused my father. The writer insisted that my mother’s attempts to kill me could not be considered domestic violence. The writer insisted that my mother’s emotional abuse of my father could not be considered domestic violence. That writer hurt more people than she helped.

2nd, Sharlene talks right away about the need to feel safe. Few people in my life were willing to admit that I needed to feel safe in the outside world because of the violence inside my home.

I felt safe talking to Sharlene. You will feel safe talking to her and listening to her.

Paula M Kramer (Jan 2024)

Speaking From Triumph Over Tragedy LLC